
Merch&Cía presentó el pasado Viernes 15 de Febrero joseantonio, un minidocumental producido nosotros y dirigido por Jaime Puerta sobre el cantante de rock-punk Jose Antonio García. Voz de bandas icónicas como 091 o TNT y con su disco en solitario “Lluvia de Piedras” recién presentado, Jose Antonio García nos cuenta sus recuerdos más íntimos y revisita los lugares que marcaron su vida.

This Land Wins the Best Documentary Award at the Black Hills Film Festival

This Land, a documentary film directed by Alan Thompson, has won the Best Documentary Award at the Black Hills Film Festival in South Dakota. This Land documents the ways in which the fossil fuels are extracted and transported in areas, such as Texas, including the Mexican Border, the Dakotas, and Canada, and how the native and local communities are fighting against gas and oil pipelines.


We congratulate the director and the rest of the team, including our very own Jaime Puerta as the Director of Photography, as well as the Tzu Chi Foundation for their incredible production that has earned them a meaningful award!

This Land has also been selected by Marfa Film Festival to be screened in July 2018. You can check out the festival link HERE.


A FILMS team

Our new blog is up and running!

A FILMS has now a brand new blog to share some exciting news and projects with you. As you might know, we spend most of our time on the road and in locations where we create stories through moving images. That’s why we want to include you in the making of these stories and also make sure they reach you in a timely manner once we put the final touch on them.

Here is a brief intro to what we do: A FILMS is full-service production company specialized in high-quality fiction, advertising, documentary, music video, and new media projects. Based in NYC, Barcelona, Granada and Beijing, we produce locally and globally.

Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and now on our blog. And share your stories with us as well!

Very best,

A FILMS team