Some good news to share from the film industry in Spain. As the pandemic slows down with the numbers of the infection cases in steady decline, the country is preparing to open for business in successive stages while the film industry warms up to get back to the set.
As we mentioned previously, the Spanish government already announced that starting on May 11th, the film productions can go back in action in certain places with minimum risk. Yesterday, the government also approved the improvement of tax incentives for production and post-production in Spain to incentivize the film industry and make it more attractive to international productions and co-productions. As a highlight:
- the Tax Rebate is raised from 20% to 30% applicable to the first million of Euros and 25% for the expenses above this mark.
- to qualify for these deductions, foreign productions must invest at least 1million€ on production or 200,000€ on pre- and post-production.
- the maximum return is raised up to 10million€.

As for the safety and security on-set, the Spain Film Commission, together with other institutions and professional associations, is working on protocols to follow with a manual of good practice to protect the industry workers.
As A FILMS team, we would like to thank the Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales, Spain Film Commission, Sr. James Costos (Honorary Ambassador of SFC) and everyone else involved in the process to make these measurements possible and provide us with safe spaces to work.
If you consider filming in Spain and want to know more, feel free to contact us at